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Humanitiness Versus Modernizm

In which status is Human versus modernity now? Will human be happy owing to the fact that they are modern, or will modernizm isolate them as “making abstract them in their own time part”?

As a matter of fact, nowadays, not owing to the fact that human is modern human, owing to the fact that they guess that they are modern, people are unhappy. Moreover, people who seacrh happiness in wrong places, instead of searching crime in theirself, have been trying to take revenge from another concepts rather than fighting another people.

One of victims of this attacks is also modern human. Modern people is being criticized by unmodern humans by using being-modern-concepts for their own targets.

The root of modern word is “moderne” word in French. “Moderne” means “belong to now” in French. In Latin, “modernus” means “suitable to proprieties and method, according to time” and “modus” also means “style, method, measure”.

As it seems, modern human should be able to adapt himself/herself according to moment. Modern human is person who can adapt himself/herself to that moment without forgetting truth in him/her. If so, this question must be asked certainly: “If we suppose that people adapt theirself to this time, why is today’s people so far from being modern human?”

Yes, what today’s people can’t adapt to this moment can’t be said. However, people started not to be able to choose truth in theirself increasingly. After you can’t protect thing what can’t be chose, even though claim that you are the modern people times you want, you can’t be it.

Talking about reasons of today’s people being unable to choose truth is useful in here.

Selfie… it is people to be in contact with theirself. The people who look at their own out-profil by taking selfie started not to look at their own in-profil. And that’s one of reasons of us not being able to choose truth.

In past, cities would be surrounded. Nowadays person has surrounded.

People who have modernizing target, have paralyzed communication by using communication tools. You know, how will person who cut off communication with theirself communicate with another people correctly?

Although everything gains velocity, why can not today’s people make time to theirself?

The answer is capitalist system. According to capitalism, accelerating is in order to product more by using “modernism” concept rather than in order to make time to people.

Modern people like posts in social media supposedly. But This people never love.

The Red Crescent shares post in social media to find blood immediately. Modern people like this post supposedly, but they don’t give blood. And the end. person who need to blood urgently dies there.

The today’s people aren’t interested in literature. But, power of literature stems from it to introduce us to clear, pure people. people who look at theirselves who are filled with straw on account of selfie can look at theirselves who are as vivity as it is fictional , with literature.

In brief, modern human concept have been misunderstanding. Sezai Karakoç writes, “we need to be moment’s hero instead of today’s hero”. As long as we don’t see truth, we can’t say that we are modern human. I think, this section is valid for people who are thought as modern rather then modern humans. <– geri